dia buat lagi!

hey2 korang ^^ nice to see yahh ^^v hihi..ya allah!! pening siot kepala..biasa lew...balik2 kena maigrain 2 jew rr...[ntah betul ntah x maigrain 2 ejaannye=.= lantak rr..camny lew klu dah pening siot!]..haha...korang nak tahu x!!
ade story ny....aq nak berstory mory lew ngn korang...korang dah ready nak dengar kew x??klu x ready,x nak rr citew! XP wuiikkkk!! hihi...ok2...let's start the stories ^^

korang tahu x...aq kan ade adik angkat...i called him as adik fik..

*real name: MUHD FIKRI AIZAT
age: 14 years old
stay in: bukit mertajam (BM) penang..

*just aq nye imaginasi..hoho..[klu comey cam DAISUKE NIWA~ D.N ANGLE kan bagus,,,huhu..well,never meet him before]
dia 2...selalu buat aq pening dalam gembira..kornag faham x perasaan 2?? korang tahu x camne rasenye???well?

ok...adik aq yg sorng ny...dah banyak kali mintak kapel/COUPLE ngn aq=.=


0.o korang pun pelik kan..hm..2 lew adik kesayangan aq yg sorg ny...sentiasa buat aq terkejut walau camna sekali pun-.- hmm..

*perhh!! tapi,sentiasa aq tolak..hihi..semua orgyg mintak kapel ngn aq semua aq turn them down ^^
jahat kan aq ny...ada frenz aq cakap yg ''FILZAH!! ang ny memilih rr..tolong rr..tima jelah salah sorg dari diorg 2...''
ada yg cakap gak [frenz aq gak...capital N!] ''hmm..filzah ada ramai peminat...alahai...dah diorg mintak..tima jew rr''
=> dalam sindir kowt capital N cakap kat aq!!

bila aq letak or post gambo sendiri dekat fb...mesty capital N kata..''huh...gambar x lawa..nak post...suka sangat rr post gambar...menunjuk rr kata dia comel...pas2 klu tangkap gambar mesty nak buat comel2!! huh..berlagak''

+>okey!! thats it!! sometime i feeling like wanna break our friendship because  of her stupid word that hurts me again n again!! wow!! what a friend are u...''BERLAGAK!!''

OK!!thats it!!..enough is enough!!..berlagak??!! sampai hati ko cakap aq berlagak ann?? well,no matter what,. . .i never said a thing behind u...[kecuali..,bila aq marah gilew,baru aq cakap cam ang ny spoil n something..] but!! the point is,aq x selalu sindir ang??!! tolong rr capital N...if i'm talking to a friend that is boy.., u would like to say that..''hmm..yo guys...jgn kacau fil..,dia tengah date 2..''
 sometime,i feel like wanna slap ur face n never be ur friend again!! never..n i sometimes also hope that u will never exist!
huh,tapi,aq ke tepikan rasa sakit hati n still be ur friend, BECAUSE. . . i think,we can be a good friend in present,future n FOREVER!
capital N,ko tahu x camne rase bila ada kawan 2 perangai cam ko?? penah ko fikir sal hati aq??..
sori??. .
pardon me..,not really clear with that...but, i think...u never think huh?
well,OF COURSE!! u never think my DEAREST FRIEND!!

well,u've dont a good job to make my feelings hurt again...nice ^^ love yahh..
[like hell!! i wanna slap her face!!]

well,sebenarnye. . .ntah rr..hari ny.,i think i wanna tell korang sal adik angkat aq...but bilew teringat kan si capital N 2...buat i rase sakit hati gilew!! dohh..memang sakit hati rr...lagi pun...rasenye,citew sal capital N x lari kan for the tittle today? right??so,well. . rasenye...sampai sini dulu kow...because now, i feeling so dizzy!! haha..
jumpew korang malam ny rr..2 pun klu i rajin nak update malam ny ^^

enjoy my story today ^^

*chaw!! adiiouss babeh!! ahaha



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