Thinking to myself. . . .

Hi and Assalammualaikum to everyone who reads this entry today :)

It has been a longgggggg time, right?? Damn! Hahaha, it has already been two month since i've last updated this blog. Berhabuk teruksss blog ni hah.. Hahaha, biasalah.. Dah start busy balik ni (being a student back!!!), bukannya takda masa lansung nak update. Ada je sebenarnya, it's just. . . .my lappy. 

OKAY!! taknak panjang2, so harini pasal??. Who knows serendipity? i mean, like really knows what it mean??? dengar pun pernah ke tak laa kan?? hahaha. Lately laa, i think it i've been thinking too much. You know why? It's just because people change.

Aku mengaku awal2 laa... Aku memang kadang2 tu, cepat terasa //lol// 

Well.? who doesn't right??? hahahaha.

One thing i notice the most, people i use to know in the past (most of them laa, bukan semua) they just. . .being human. HAHAHA! What i mean was, human changed. Accordingly to the season. Aku taktau pulak friendship tu sebenarnya ada tarikh luput. Haha, i'm always stuck between "people's heart is more important than yours so, be FAKE" or "took those bullshits suckers out of your life and love yourself".

Tapi tulaa.. still can't make a decision cause i know i've i choose any of those two, my mind just will set just the way it is. Suddenly, lately ni aku terasa macam orang yang aku kenal dolu2 layan aku macam crap. Damn. To many thoughts i guess. Maybe, and just maybe laaaaa if i don't care much, i wouldn't be in this situations. 

One thing i'm sure now. Aku mungkin bukan pendendam tapi aku memang susah nak maafkan orang sebab once i trust, then you use my trust because of your selfishness, it'll take some time to recover back and i don't think i'll easily forget what you've done. Diam2 aku pun, aku simpan je. Tapi mai satu tahap, aku rasa aku dah tak boleh endure benda tu. You won't think the same of me anymore. 

Sometime, i think i'm just to soft at certain people sampai diorang rasa aku ni macam takda apa pun untuk diorang risaukan. Kadang tu aku takut sebab perangai musibat depa tu, depa yang akan ubah aku jadi seseorang yang depa sendiri taksuka. Then, guess who they'll be blaming if it isn't me?!??//give around of applause to them//

Aku bila banyak berlembut ni, lagi banyak aku taram (taram is simpan. Itu loghat kedah), lagi lama aku sabar, lagi banyak aku perati dari jauh.

It so hard being soft hearted ni. Orang kerja nak pijak kita ja. Even the person who is actually close to us. That is what people should be aware of the most. Jangan ingat yang paling rapat tu paling baik, paling boleh dipercayai. Kadang2, orang yang terapat tu laa paling menyakitkan hati kita dalam diam.

Hah! so, anyway... i think that should be enough for this entry. See you guys in the next entry :*


Insyirah A. said…
itsokay awak. well, it is true people changed. saya pun pernah rasainya.. well at first, rasa macam teruk lah sbb dah kawan rapat dulu but sekarang..
what i can say is that mungkin itu dugaan yang Allah bagi kat awak. stay strong and banyakkan bersabar. mungkin Allah jadikan perkara itu terjadi sbb Allah nak awak cari kawan yang lebih baik. yang dapat tarik awak ke jalan-Nya insha Allah. btw stay strong ok?

aff said…
sabar awk. lumrah manusia hati boleh cepat berubah. tapi keep on positive! ^^

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