The Blue Sky Tag

hi and assalammualaikum to all peeps!

Hahaha, sorry to readers sekalian sebab baru sekarang nak update lagi entry baru. Ni update pun sebab bosan dan rupanya kena tag lah.. hahaha... saya telahpun ditag oleh dua orang gadis manis iaitu, Syilah dengan Eyqin.. btw, you guys should check out these girls blog.. so nice! better than mine, that's for sure.. hehe..just click the link at their name's.
So, taknak panjang2.. harini pun dah masuk seminggu berpuasa, btw.. Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan Al- Mubarak untuk semua saudara Islam ku. Semoga ramadhan tahun ni dirahmati..
And, sorry guy.. banner utk blue sky tag ni tak dapat di handmade laa.. haha.. busy assignment and final is around the corner. T^T so ini je mampu.. haha..

Now! let's get to the point...


- Thank the person who tagged you (thanks to d' lovely SYILAH and EYQIN)
- Answer their 11 questions (sorry if my answers are just messing with you guys XD)
- Tag 11 people (be ready~ muahahaha)
- Give them 11 questions to answer (goodluck!)

First who tag me was:-

Her questions was:-

1. Apa yang membuatkan tercetusnya idea untuk adakan blog dan apa rahsia di sebalik nama blog korang itu?
-idea tu saja2 je sebenarnya. Sekadar untuk luahan perasaan. Nama tu sebenarnya pakai hentam saja~~ 

2. Belajar di mana sekarang dan dalam course apa?
-dca (diploma in culinary arts) dan dekat FIM. Boleh search fim tu dekat mana XD sebab dah nak grad ni.. ahhahaha.. 

3. Movie latest yang korang dah tengok and cadangkan movie apa yang patut Syilah tengok?
-baby boss... download! sumpah seronok.. pirates of the caribean of course la best.. so itu wajib...muahahaha

4. Macam mana nak hadapi masalah dalam hidup dan masalah itu terbawa sampai ke tempat kerja/sekolah/universiti/kolej?
-kalau boleh, cuba selesaikan.. kalau tak mampu, cari seseorang yang mampu tolong..last solution is just redha~ tawakal~ muahaha..

5. Perkara yang tidak dapat dilupakan sehingga kini?
-accident. Jatuh moto. ^_^' hehe.. masa tu semua rasa gelap.. tapi rupanya tertutup mata.. ingatkan bakal arwah dah masa otw pegi sekolah tu.. hahaha..

6. Berapa negeri di Malaysia sudah korang travel?
-yang penting, dah lebih dari 1 la.. haha.. ok, yang belum travel Sabah, Sarawak, Johor, Terengganu dengan Kelantan je.. so yang lain dah~~

7. Barang yang paling disukai dan sayang?
-bantal buat tido tu kesayangan.. haha.. dengan jam baby-g sempena birthday yang ke-19..hahaha..fav sebab ayah belikan..muhahaha..

8. Jumlah gaji pertama yang diperoleh dan buat apa dengan gaji pertama itu?
-rm35 XD hahaha.. habiskan dekat topup dengan minyak moto.

9. Minat baca novel? Novel apa yang paling best setakat ini?
-minat tu ada bila mood sampailah.. mood kalau keluar berlayar.. sampai ke sudah tak membacanya.. haha.. suka baca Aifa Batrisya punya novel.. "duda terlajak laris", "meh sandar pada aku" dengan "my dear mr. dimples"

10. Universiti dalam Malaysia atau luar negara yang terbaik? Mengapa?
-entah laa.. no komen.. haha.. XD

11. Apa kekurangan blog Syilah yang perlu diperbaiki? 
-kekurangan tu tak nampaklah sangat..actually simpple is nice.. so keep on the good work~

Now, second question from:-

  1. If someone insults you, what are you doing?
    -it will be either one of my side.. first is, i will give them my comeback with my beautiful sarcasm, like always.. hehe ^_^ second would be, i just keep quiet and smile. Pahala free, sapa takmau... muahahahaha..
  2. What kind of people do you like ?
    -no fxcking fake people please. (pfft! obviously)
    -the one i can be myself when i'm around them. :)
  3. do you judge a person just from external ?
    -first impression? yes. When i get to know them, nope. External will rot, internal will last.
  4. What is your greatest strength or weakness ?
    -my smile is my greatest smile (i guess -_-') weakness? EGO! SELFISH~ hahahaha.
  5. If you could be any age for a month , what age would that be ?
    -10? or 11 something.. haha.. i wanna live my childhood back! T^T
  6. What strange thing have you eaten ?
    -can't remember, or maybe i don't wanna remember it! hahaha
  7. Do you have anyone you to go for some advice ?
    -kinda.. My father.. (of course i go to him sometimes) and maybe my bestie! (NHA)
  8. How would your friends describe you?
    -different (for now laa.. since things change :( )
  9. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or have someone to cheer you up ?
    - A.L.O.N.E
  10. What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done and would you do it again?
    -riding coaster (i guess) haha...
  11. Do you believe in second chances?
    -always and forever. Everyone deserve it.
ok!!! done guys.. DONE 22 questions.. hahahaha.. so.. untuk 11 soalan aku tu.. haha.. baru nk fikir.. but i guess this should do it.. hehe..
Goodluck answering to it! let me know if the people i tag are done with my question..

  1. what will you do when you're down or sad?
  2. would you do what everyone told you to do or would you follow your heart?
  3. where would you have been imagine yourself in 10 years?
  4. what would you want to do in the future?
  5. if you can escape just for one day, where would you go, and who would you be?
  6. if you can exchange yourself into someone else, who would you be and why?
  7. explain yourself in 3 words.
  8. list 5 things you hated the most.
  9. your ideal type of guys/girls
  10. the fashion style you like now and why?
  11. one thing you always wanted to do in life

So! that is my question.. i hope this 11 people can answer it sincerely.. haha.. so ini ja dulu.. see you on the next entry..


Anis Farhana said…
Hahaha amboi soalan. Aku takleh fikir jawapan bila baca soalan hg hahaha btw thanks tag
thank you tag asik manis xD
Siti Syilah said…
Wah nak grad dah. Good luck & success in your life, Filzah ;)

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